Helping you to make the right move
Adept Consortium unites like-minded boutique and mature firms with exceptional expertise, fostering trusted business alliances to collectively support each other, thrive under one umbrella, and drive innovation while maintaining independence.
©beyond just connection, connectivity is the purpose!
In the age of High-Speed Information Technology, Expanding Global Communication, and emergence of the Artificial Intelligence, connection, communication, and interaction with others are becoming feasible via simple technologically-advanced tools, and often in matter of seconds with click of a button or keypad. And, as the result, the True Business Connectivity is of much greater importance. Also, it goes without saying that businesses are the backbones of the local economies, and remain the innovators of the exceptionally value-adding products, and solutions. Yet, faced with the dynamism of the business world with the continual shifts of the socioeconomic landscapes, and the rising challenges, more than ever, businesses could benefit greatly from the structured supports. Hence, it appears as a prudent business strategy, when boutique, and mature businesses seek support from other like-minded businesses of complementing, and even overlapping expertise, and form alliance far beyond the consultancy, or sub-consultancy Business Models. And in fact, to strongly remain competitive in the market, and render wider expertise than the core in-house ones, boutique businesses are required to take the leap of faith to become Trusted Affiliates of each other with the Common Business Objectives. And, while developing such level of Business Trust, and Reliance on each other requires reaching the necessary business wisdom, and maturity to realize the bigger picture, the foundation of such business model is based on the simple principle of: "connectivity of the like-minded boutique, and mature firms with exceptional expertise to collectively support each other, and thrive under one umbrella, while maintaining their independences, and individualities." So, by selecting the name "adept; a person or of status of being very skilled or proficient at something" representing the wealth of knowledge, and depth of expertise of the participant boutique, mature and exceptionally talented firms, which have reached this collective realization, and have formed the continually-growing ©adept CONSORTIUM, represented by our logo, we invite you to explore the contents, and become familiar with the participating firms, and their principals bringing together a wealth of knowledge, and experience under one umbrella that your firm, and or clients may benefit from.
MBA, P.Eng., PMP NEO-Project Consulting
AInstIB, P.Eng., PMP AEON Engineering Group Inc.
P.Eng. GOEL Group Limited
P.Eng. Noveen Engineering Inc.
CPI, MSc, PMP, RMP, PMI-SP, ACP, PRINCE2, IPMA-D, PSM1, SFPC MegaPlan Project Management Consultant